Every Telugu child has the right to learn their native language, regardless of where they are born or raised. Parents play a crucial role as the first teachers of Telugu. For children living outside Telugu-speaking states like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, learning Telugu at home is a collaborative effort involving students, parents, and online resources.

The collective goal is to encourage students to speak Telugu not only at home but also during social events and interactions with extended family members. To support this, the ‘Let’s Learn Telugu’ series offers study materials such as books, posters, and games. These materials provide an engaging learning experience that is both interesting and effective.

  • Interesting: The attractively printed books feature full-color illustrations on high-quality paper. They offer valuable guidance for teachers and parents, ensuring a consistent teaching approach whether at school or home.

  • Enticing: Visuals are powerful tools for learning. The colorful pictures in the books enhance their appeal. Additionally, each Telugu word is accompanied by its Romanized English pronunciation and English meaning. Simple yet engaging exercises pique students’ curiosity and reinforce their learning. Classroom-based enactments further reinforce comprehension.

  • Smart: The outcome-based approach encourages students to apply their Telugu language skills in real-life situations as they progress, validating their language proficiency.”

What is outcome-based approach?

The outcome-based approach in language learning focuses on practical application and real-world use of the language.

The outcome-based approach 

  1. sets specific goals or outcomes for learners and these outcomes describe what learners should be able to do with the language in real-life situations. 
  2. integrates language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  3. prioritizes functional language use, empowering learners to communicate effectively in real-world scenarios.

Lessons and Course material

Lessons are designed around scenarios relevant to their daily lives. Study materials including downloadable posters and worksheets, videos, and interactive lessons are designed to expose learners to real-world scenarios and language elements.



అక్షర పరిచయం Stage 1

Exposes children to Telugu alphabet up to గుణింతాలు.

అక్షర పరిచయం Stage 2

Exposes children to ఒత్తులు & ద్విత్వాక్షరాలు. 

చిత్ర పటాలు/ఆటలు    

Posters on 30 different common subjects. Each poster has about 15-18 pictures. Aksharamala (4), numbers (2), birds, animals, sports, insects, spices, vegetables, fruits, flowers, parts of the body, prepositions, verbs, shapes, relations and seasons. These are most useful for children and toddlers as well.

Speaking posters

All the above posters in soft copy format on tablets and smart phones. They speak the words out when a picture is touched. This is most useful for children and toddlers to get to hear and speak Telugu words. 

సంభాషణా పరిచయం Stage 1

Introduces conversations in Telugu based on situations. They will also learn genders, numbers, persons, time, numerals, pets, body parts family members and seasons.

Availableసంభాషణా పరిచయం Stage 2

More conversations in Telugu based on situations. They will also learn about Telugu calendar, Hindu festivals, directions, common verbs, verb inflections based on the subject and time, small stories and usage of విభక్తులు – vibhaktulu (cases).

పద పరిచయం

A Coffee Table edition of common words we use in the house. 


సాంస్కృతిక పరిచయం

A systematic description of Indian/Hindu culture for advanced students. Target 2017.

వ్యాకరణ పరిచయం

A simplified grammar rules for advanced students. 


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