Pronoun is a word we use in place of the name of

  • a person,
  • a place or

a thing.

You use these pronouns when you talk to or refer to someone of our age like brothers, sisters, cousins, classmates or friends.

You know the English pronouns I, you, he, and she are commonly used in conversation. 

“I” is used when referring to oneself.

“My” is used when referring to something that belongs to oneself.

“You” is used to address the person you are talking to.

“Your” is used to refer to something that belongs to the person you are talking to.

“He” is used to refer to a boy who is not present.

“His” is used to refer to something that belongs to the boy who is not present.

“She” is used to refer to a girl who is not present.

“Her” is used to refer to something that belongs to the girl who is not present.

Let us learn their equivalent words in Telugu.

నేను (nE-nu) = I / నా (nA) = my
నీవు (nI-vu) = you / నీ (nI) = your
వాడు (vA-Du) = he / వాడి (vA-Di) = his
అది (a-di) = she / దాని (dA-ni) = her


“I” is used when referring to oneself.
